Take a fresh look at your lifestyle.

Valentine’s Day (1)

Love is a basic and natural human emotion. In human existence, relationships and associations, this passion manifests itself with great beauty and elegance. All the beauty of the relationship between God and man, children and parents, friends and relatives is not only endowed with this passion, but if one gratifies these relationships in every test of life, then it is undoubtedly the spirit of love.

Another subtle form of relationship of love is the one that rains like the first shower on the desert of the heart in the beginning of youth. The ocean of life familiarizes with a new turmoil. Steps uncontrollably go in a direction. The eye seeks out someone for no reason. The heart beats faster for no reason. Lightning strikes the eye. The more restless the heart, the more relaxed the mind. The heart is often found calmness for no reason and, as it finds calmness for no reason, the heart becomes very restless.

The one who bestows this passion of love is the creator of both the worlds who is the Holy God. Deserving of every praise, source of every virtue, creator of every beauty and possessor of every passion. Just as He is eternal in His giving, so He is perfect in His wisdom. He is not only praised by the saints but also loved by the mystics. His praise and His love are not without reason. He has written every page of the story of life and every line is the result of his power of writing. He begins this story with the same delicate bud of love that He wants to see as a shady tree after the protection of marriage. That is why He sows the seeds of young love on the ground of hearts and fertilizes it through sex and lust for strength.

But it is the cursed devil who makes this life-giving fertilizer a swamp of sin – the accursed Satan who was banished from the court of God because of his rebellion. And who was banished due to the jealousy of this human being whose heart eventually sinks in the river of love. The accursed Satan had vowed to destroy man by swearing by the glory of God Almighty. He wants to turn this river towards the sewer of immorality instead of the life-sea of marriage. He declares the filth of lust as the aim of life instead of the purity of chastity. Instead of the sanctity of marriage, he presents the filth of adultery more delicious. He makes depths of wandering the purpose of his life, instead of the heights of modesty.

And this last Western civilization, which has freed Satan from captivity for a thousand years, is dominant in two worlds after subjugating everywhere. This civilization has become a ploy of the devil through the media and has attacked the world and its values. Its greatest attack is that it has ruined the pure relationship of love with the filth of lust. It has turned Love Affair into Lust Affair. What was undesirable has been made the goal and what was wanted has been lost somewhere in the path of freedom.

We do not hate love, nor are we enemies of the random heartbeats in the youth. We are neither ignorant of human emotions nor blind to recognizing the colors of youth. We are neither the enemies of Western civilization, nor of Western values and festivals. Neither do we want to tie the flood of youth, nor do we want to close the wave of modernity in the jar of conservatism. We only want the children of the nation to know that their Lord has appointed for them a single Valentine’s Day in this world. It is their wedding day. As for their love, it wants to be expressed every day. Why only February 14 set by pagans and Christians?

Translated by Muzamil Nazeer