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Looking for a finger – Javed Chaudhry
It was known about a saint that he can turn a stone into gold by placing his finger. This news spread to a very…
Man’s Gaze
Those who have a close eye on the Holy Qur'an understand this fact well that among the evils that Allah Almighty…
Longer Line
There was silence in the classroom. The confused students switched glances between the teacher and the blackboard.…
Dirty Filthy Woman
"Seeing the picture of that woman in the advertisement made my blood boil. Unintentionally the words came out of my…
Slander and Muslims
The event of slander is an important event in the Prophet's life story. This was the biggest attempt by the…
Islam, Christianity, and Muslims
Politics, Knowledge, and RevolutionPew Research Center is a nonpolitical research Fact Tank that collects…
Words do not end
For the last two or three years, there was a big discussion about the end of the world in December 2012. When this…
Civility and Politeness
Civility and politeness is the highest human quality. People in our culture have always shown this courtesy. In…
The Sense of Duty
In our religion, times, days, remembrances and actions are fixed for prayer, fasting and other acts of worship. For…