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Slander and Muslims

The event of slander is an important event in the Prophet’s life story. This was the biggest attempt by the hypocrites to target the Prophet’s family in which Sayyida Aisha was accused of adultery. Because of this accusation, Sayyidah and her family, especially her father Hazrat Abu Bakr, and above all her husband, the Messenger of God, the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him), suffered from severe mental anguish. During this time, all the Muslims were also in a state of chaos and discord. This series of slander and harassment continued for a month. Only once Allah revealed the innocence of Hazrat Aisha in Surah Noor, the storm ended.

For a student of the Holy Quran, a question arises here. Why did Allah wait a month before refuting the slander? He could have eliminated the problem as soon as it arose. Neither the family of the Prophet would have gone through this agony, nor the family of Sayyidah would have suffered so much, nor would the Muslim society have suffered such chaos for a month, leading to quarrels. The revelation that came after a month could have come the very next day. From the point of view of general human psychology, this silence of the All-Knowing, Almighty God seems to be His decision against Sayyidah. This is the reason why even some of the most sincere companions, Hazrat Hasan bin Thabit being at the top of the list, fell victim to this propaganda and joined the accusers of Sayyidah.

However, what the Holy Qur’an said in the acquittal of Sayyidah also explains the divine wisdom as to why Allah the Almighty allowed his beloved Prophet and his beloved wife to endure such mental suffering, and revealed the ayat after a month.

From the statement of the Holy Qur’an, Surah Noor (24) verses 11 to 18, the wisdom of Allah is revealed. It is explained below:

1) Slandering an innocent person, though one of the most serious moral crimes, has always been and will always be a part of human societies. In a time when the Quran was being revealed, it was possible to decide the innocence of someone through revelation, but for the common people, this decision will be made only on the Day of Judgement. This is why Allah Ta’ala waited for a month to see how people behaved on their own in such matters.


When people’s disagreements did not end, and even the most sincere people fell victim to this propaganda, not only did Allah Ta’ala express the purity of Sayyidah by declaring this slander as (al-ifk) a lie, but also made it clear that in such a situation, Muslims should have good faith towards each other. In a campaign of blame and slander, on one side there are people who are campaigners and on the other side is the person who is the target. In such a situation, it is the responsibility of the people to always act with good faith. As soon as they hear such a thing, they should say that it is slander and we have no right to say such a thing. On the contrary, to spread this matter without knowledge and research, to establish a negative opinion, to shape the opinion of others, is a substantial deed, and is akin to inviting the punishment of Allah.

2) In the case of Sayyidah, slander was made of adultery, but while refuting it, the Holy Qur’an did not even use the word adultery. One reason for this is, that the Holy Qur’an does not want to limit the criticism of this attitude to the extent of the accusation of adultery, but it intends to discourage even the broader attitude of slander regarding any aspect. For instance, the way these days the intentions and faith of Muslims are directly attacked and they are declared kafir (Disbeliever) and misguided. Attacking someone’s honor is a serious crime, but targeting their faith and intentions is even more serious a crime. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) understood and explained it. Therefore, we find many Hadiths to this end in Bukhari and Muslim, in which it is clarified that declaring a Muslim Kafir, becomes the cause of one’s own kufr (Disbelief). One who understands this religious teaching, will always be careful not to issue fatwas of kufr and misguidance on a Muslim or to spread such things, because as a result of this, one’s own faith will be destroyed.

3) Those who were making accusations at that time were asked to bring four witnesses. It is common sense that adultery is done secretly and not in front of four people. Therefore, many people make fun of the Qur’an on the grounds that Allah has set a condition that can never be fulfilled. But in fact, the purpose of imposing such a strict condition is to eliminate the culture of slander in the society. Unless there is irrefutable evidence, not a word should be uttered against any person in any way.

These are a few points describing the great wisdom behind a month’s wait before declaring the innocence of Sayyidah. The purpose of this was only to educate the Muslims and clarify the desired behavior in such situations

The fact is that the mutual disharmony of Muslims is Satan’s greatest achievement. This disharmony always arises from a culture of blame and slander. In every society there are people following in the footsteps of Satan who accuse and slander. They cannot be stopped. The real responsibility lies with the common Muslims to never become part of any propaganda. Always act in good faith. Don’t pass on everything they hear. They should not utter anything about a person without thorough research and conviction. Attack on someone’s life, property, intention, faith, honor is the worst of crimes that destroys one’s faith. On the Day of Judgement, when our real life will begin, seeing the punishment for such crimes, people will wish they had no tongue to have spoken with and no hands to have written with

Translated by Ali Zafar