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Three issues with our nation

I have over three decades of experience in my community, where I’ve observed people’s behaviours and been actively engaged in educating and reforming them. Today, I want to share my insights, especially regarding people’s attitudes. Neglecting to address these issues adequately can result in severe consequences.

Firstly, I’ve noticed that many in our community often have a negative outlook. They are unaware of the concept of positive thinking, the importance of maintaining hope, how to identify the positive aspects of situations and interactions, and how to maintain a positive view of others. These qualities don’t typically come naturally to us, whether on a national or individual level. Unfortunately, negativity tends to prevail, and we frequently dwell on people’s mistakes rather than their strengths.

In the realm of national affairs, there are numerous positive aspects, but we often disregard them and instead focus on the negatives, especially during these challenging economic times. This inclination toward negativity is something we must address within ourselves and actively choose to embrace a more positive perspective.

Secondly, I’ve noticed a common trend among our people: a tendency to make excuses. It’s as if everyone has an excuse ready for any situation. People are very lenient when it comes to pardoning themselves and find reasons to justify their actions. In summary, we often criticise others negatively but are forgiving towards ourselves.

We often believe that we are in the right and react strongly when someone points out our mistakes. This behaviour can be observed in everyday situations, such as car accidents where both parties blame each other, even when both are at fault.

This pattern extends to family disputes, workplaces, and politics. When this becomes a part of a nation’s culture, it erases the sense of responsibility. Instead of addressing issues, people engage in blame games, thinking they have solved the problem when, in reality, they’ve damaged their own character. Ultimately, this behaviour can lead to the downfall of nations.

The third issue I’ve observed, which is quite harmful, is our lack of interest in learning and understanding. We generally don’t have a strong desire to learn or grasp new concepts. Most of us believe we are experts in various fields, like economics and politics. We confidently express our opinions and engage in arguments.

We find it hard to accept the idea of humbly learning from others. In essence, we don’t readily acknowledge anyone as an expert among us; instead, everyone wants to teach and explain. Even those with limited knowledge follow this pattern, and even highly knowledgeable individuals sometimes forget that the pursuit of learning never ends.

This mindset often leads us to dismiss others’ expertise. Rather than recognizing it, we tend to deny their knowledge or elevate them to hero status, living in admiration of them. This attitude prevails among us. If we realize that someone is better than us or our leaders, we tend to reject that fact immediately. It’s a manifestation of arrogance and pride.

These three detrimental qualities within us can be highly destructive. I’ve noticed that about 99.9% of people, including myself, exhibit these traits to some degree. However, I make an effort to be aware of them and recognize their harm. I believe it’s crucial for all of us to recognise and critically evaluate these traits.